Wim Visscher: the artist
The artist Wim Visscher is an inspirited man. Living in Kampen, his beautiful workshop is located at the Burgwal. Here you can find an impressive amount of art. Colourful, intense, big, but also intimate and small.
What Visscher creates comes from deep inside. He doesn’t do any concession to commerce and recent developments/trends. He works from the large gesture, expressive and yet subtle. His work is tangibly substantive, it has substance. This intrinsic value flows from his inspiration. Everything what happens around him, can, eventually, lead to a painting or a sculpture. The news, war, but also philosophical idea’s about transience and mankind. |
Mankind is energy. And out of that energy Visscher create his art. Art and being an artist, closely entwined. Visscher: “When you want to live on after you die, you have to leave something behind.” According to him, this is what it is all about: Through his art Visscher wants to make a difference,
As an artist, Visscher is widely developed. He doesn’t only work abstract, but also figurative. Model drawings, landscapes, portraits, expressively and naturalistic. It depends on what the subject demands. Therefore Visscher doesn’t let himself be limited by materials. He works with water-colour, acryl , oil paint, water-colour ochre, on paper, canvas or wood, but also three-dimensional, with clay or wood.
Expositions & Sale
There are exhibitions with Visschers art, on a regular basis. Recently sold are (enumeration of recently sold work). Online you can also look into the catalogue, which is being updated on regular bases. If you are interested you can ask for more information.
Other activities
Wim Visscher is also providing courses on water-colour painting and open workshops. These courses and workshops are being given in his workshop. During this you can work freely and ask Visscher for advise.
Next to this, Visscher also make portraits on (company)parties and other occasions. Then you can see this artist working with the most cumbersome technique: water-colour painting. |